Do you realize that one-third of our lives is spent in sleep? That is if you get 8 hours in our 24 hour days.
Sleep is significant in pretty much every part of your life. It affects your brain function, mood, overall health, and much more. We all hear how important it is, but it’s easy to shove it under the rug and not think twice about it, especially when life gets busy.
If you struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, stay tuned to the many things that may be a not-so-obvious reason why you might be struggling!
One of the obvious (and trending) tips is to reduce your exposure to blue light and technology. However, something not as commonly mentioned is the physical lighting in your environment before bed. It’s recommended 2 hours prior to your intended bedtime, to switch to warm tone lighting and to reduce the amount of light in your environment. To take it a step further, it’s been shown that red and amber light helps with melatonin production. I recommend during these two hours of prepping for bed, you take to reading, journaling or a meditation practice. These are all great ways to wind down without being on screens at the end of your day.
Next, it’s recommended that you don’t consume a large meal or drink before you sleep. Drinking too much water before you sleep could end up waking you in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Meanwhile, eating a big meal within the last 2-3 hours of your day can have a similar effect. It can make it more difficult to fall asleep, since your body is active with digestion. It can also decrease your sleep quality, for the same reason. While we’re talking about consumption, it’s also important to watch your caffeine intake. It’s recommended not to drink any caffeine after 3pm as to not mess with your energy levels later in the day.
Staying consistent with your sleep schedule is another crucial way to better your sleep quality. It keeps your circadian rhythm in line, making it easier for your body to fall asleep and wake up. Unfortunately, this applies to both weekdays and weekends. Studies say that if you’re off by roughly 30 minutes you should be fine, but generally speaking you should always be trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday.
Another thing to consider is how physically active you are. Studies have shown that regular physical activity not only reduces your stress overtime, but also improves your sleep quality. Even getting 30 minutes a day of exercise has shown improvement. This doesn’t need to be anything too strenuous, you could simply go for a walk or do some light cardio.
Keeping your bedroom too hot could also be affecting your sleep. It’s been shown that being too hot in your sleep decreases your REM sleep, a crucial part of your sleep cycle.
Lastly, it’s important to keep your bed for sleeping (and yes sex of course). Try to avoid eating, working, or doing other activities in your bed. By only utilizing your bed for other activities, your brain tends to no longer associate it with sleeping in turn making it more difficult for you to get tired and fall asleep in bed.
If after trying these out you’re still struggling with sleep, it may be in your best interest to seek out a medical opinion on the matter. There could be other factors (such as medication or a sleep disorder) that could be affecting your sleep.